Nasc have an exciting new project 'Our Lives Our Futures' beginning in January 2021. We want to raise awareness of the barriers for young people who can't access education because of their immigration status. We want you to lead the fight for change.
Join us for a series of short webinars starting January 2021. You'll have the opportunity to talk with young activists in Ireland, learn how to run a campaign as well as work with professional filmmakers on your digital media and film-making skills all culminating in a series of campaigning videos to be released mid-2021.
We're delighted to be launching the video and the resources from the programme on Wednesday 25th at 11:00am via a short webinar. Pre-registration is essential.
You can register for the launch here.
For more information on our Connect Project see here.
The Our Lives Our Futures project is funded with the support of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC) Human Rights and Equality Grant, 2020.