UCD Sutherland School of Law and Nasc, Migrant and Refugee Rights Centre invite to you a series of short seminars discussing the recommendations of the Day Advisory Group, through reflections from those who issued the report, academic analysis of particular issues, thoughts from activists and civil society on implementing the Day Report recommendations, along with political perspectives on advancing the implementation of the Day Report.
Each week, from November 17th to December 11th 2020, UCD Sutherland School of Law and Nasc, the Migrant and Refugee Rights Centre will co-host this seminar series. Places will be limited and registration in advance will be limited.
View the conference programme here.
Webinar 1: Reflections on the Day Report, Tuesday, 17 November 2020, 12 noon to 1pm.
Panelists: Dr. Catherine Day, Bulelani Mfaco - MASI, Fiona Finn - CEO Nasc
Chair: Dr. Liam Thornton
The Day Advisory Group have recommended the most far-reaching changes to reception rights for persons seeking international protection in Ireland. This seminar examines some of the recommendations from key members of the Day Advisory Group, and their analysis of the extent to which these recommendations may inform the forthcoming White Paper on the system of international protection and direct provision.
Watch back here.
Webinar 2: Implementation of the Day Report: Challenges and Opportunities, Friday 27 November 2020, 12 noon to 1pm.
Panelists: Evgeny Shtorn, Keelin Barry, Dr Zoë O’Reilly, Dr. Muireann Ní Raghallaigh, Dr. Liam Thornton
Chair: Fiona Finn
Five academic experts across social work, social welfare, law, disability, LGBTQI+ rights and housing discuss the key recommendations of the Day Report in their respective fields of expertise. The panelists will analyse whether the recommendations contained in the Day Report will ensure that rights of persons in the international protection system will be respected, protected and fulfilled.
Watch back here.
You can find the Department of Housing submission to the Day Group referenced in the seminar here and the Nasc response to that submission here.
Webinar 3: Strategies for Implementing the Day Report, Friday, 4 December 2020, 12 noon to 1pm.
Panelists: Enda O' Neill - UNHCR Ireland, Tanya Ward - Children's Rights Alliance, Nick Henderson - Irish Refugee Council, Fiona Hurley - Nasc, Stephen Ng'ang'a
Chair: Dr. Liam Thornton
The Day Report is the second advisory report on international protection and direct provision since 2015. Activists and civil society representatives provide perspectives on implementing the Day Report, from key challenges to significant opportunities that exist. This webinar will focus on how successful alliances can be forged in order to ensure the implementation of the Day Report.
Watch back here.
Webinar 4: Political Implementation of the Day Report, Friday, 11 December 2020, 12 noon to 1pm
Panelists: Senator Ivana Bacik (Labour Party Spokesperson on Children, Disability, Equality and Integration), Senator Frances Black (Independent), Deputy Catherine Connolly T.D. (Independent), Senator Mary Seery-Kearney, Fine Gael (Seanad Spokesperson on Children, Disability, Equality, Integration & Privacy Rights)
Chairs: Dr. Liam Thornton & Fiona Finn
The Day Report is advisory, and its implementation depends on political will and government implementation. Elected representatives from political parties provide insights into the politics of implementing the Day Report. Is the implementation of the Day Report likely? What are the political obstacles to achieving the objectives of the Day Report? Are there other means by which the rights of persons in the protection system can be fully protected?
Watch back here.