Nasc's helpline is open.
Our legal service has moved primarily to a phone and email service. This means that there will be no Walk-In service.
If you need information or advice, you can call or WhatsApp our helpline numbers. Our phone lines will be open Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm.
If you need to speak to us in Arabic, French, Portuguese or Russian please let us know in advance and we will do our best to facilitate this.
We are adding all the immigration and asylum related COVID-19 updates to our new COVID-19 Know Your Rights page.
COVID-19 Community Response Forums have been set up throughout the country to coordinate local responses to the outbreak.
If you are anyone you know is vulnerable, living alone or needs help accessing deliveries of food, medicine or fuel you can contact your local Community Response Forum for help.
Cork City Council: Call 1800 222 226
Cork County Council: Call 1800 805 819, text 085 8709 010 or email [email protected]
The HSE has produced translated resources to help share the messaging about coronavirus (COVID-19) in various languages.
These posters and booklets are available for download and printing here.