Nasc welcomes the High Court ruling on access to driving licences for people seeking international protection in Ireland.
In a judgment handed down on Friday 05th November 2021, the High Court ruled that International Protection Applicants were "normally resident" for the purposes of the Road Traffic Regulations (Licensing of Drivers) Regulations 2006.
The two asylum seekers had been refused permission by the Road Safety Authority (RSA) to exchange their full driving licences, issued in their country of origin, for Irish ones as they could not show that they were 'normally resident' in Ireland.
The High Court found that the applicants were lawfully resident in the State and so, were eligible for a driving licence.
Nasc are now calling on the RSA and the Department of Transport to ensure that people in the international protection system are able to apply for driving licences without further delay.
You can read more about earlier litigation on this issue here.