On the 26th January 2021 new rules on the right to work provisions for asylum seekers came into force. These new rules have reduced the period of time it takes, from 9 months to 6 months, to become eligible to apply for a Labour Market Access Permission (LMAP) . You will still need to show that you have not received a first instance decision on your case before you apply.
The LMAP now lasts for 12 months instead of 6 months. It is still free to apply for a LMAP. You can make an application to the Labour Market Access Unit by following the these instructions.
If this is your first time applying for a LMAP you should use the Form LMA3. If you are renewing your LMAP you should use the Form LMA4.
Read our Right to Work short leaflet
History of the right to work
The Recast Reception Conditions Directive came into force in Ireland on the 06th July 2018. You can read the announcement here.
Under the 2018 right to work provisions, asylum seekers (applicants in the international protection process) who have been waiting for a first instance decision on their international protection application for 9 months or longer will be eligible to apply for a Labour Market Access Permission (LMAP).
This permission – LMAP – will last for 6 months and can be renewed until the person receives a final decision on their application.
This permission allows eligible asylum seekers to work full time, part time or self employed in any sector or industry barring a few exceptions in publicly funded sectors such as the civil service, An Garda Síochána, and the Defense Forces. It also entitles eligible asylum seekers to access vocational training courses through your local Intreo office and ETB.