Nasc is a registered charity (Charity Registration Number: 20043612) and a company limited by guarantee (Company #335227). Nasc is committed to transparency in its governance, and is fully compliant with the Governance Code and the Charities Regulatory Authority.
Full details about Nasc’s charitable status, including financial statements, are available in the Charities Register here. Nasc makes quarterly returns in line with the Regulation of Lobbying Act and our lobbying returns can be accessed here.
Board of Directors
In accordance with Nasc’s Memorandum and Articles of Association, Nasc is governed by a voluntary Board of Directors.
Nasc Strategic Plan 2022 - 2025
Following a period of extensive consultation and an independent evaluation of our work to date, Nasc are delighted to publish our 3-year strategic plan. This ambitious plan sets our priorities for the coming three years to achieve our goal of realising the rights of all migrants and refugees in Ireland. You can read our Strategic Plan here.