Ending Direct Provision? February 2021-September 2022: A review of the implementation of the White Paper on Ending Direct Provision

The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission’s Human Rights and Equality (IHREC) Grant Scheme 2021-2022 facilitated Nasc's research to monitor and examine the progress achieved in strengthening the social and economic rights for persons seeking international protection since the publication of the 2021 White Paper on Ending Direct Provision.
Initially, we wanted to be able to provide an answer to the question, over one year on from the publication of the White Paper. 'Have the economic and social rights for protection applicants improved?' It soon became very clear that the answer to this is a firm ‘no’. Therefore, the desk based research pivoted to an analysis of progress to date on implementation of the White Paper.
In publishing this report we are mindful of the context of the dramatically changed environment created by the increase in international protection applications and the Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection who have fled the war in Ukraine and have now made Ireland their home.

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